Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Thrill of Victory

I come from a competitive family. We don't just play a game, we play to win. Don't play spoons with us.....we'll take your hand off. Once when my parents were here visiting for the weekend we decided to play spades. My son Jaymes trumped my dads trick much to my dad's chagrin. They were on the same team you see so it wasn't necessary. But my son was focused on his own win so taking the trick just seemed natural.

I feel the same way when I Wii. The "New Record" is what I live for. You even get your little Wii Mii picture beside the score to record it for all time. Row after row of little Wii Mii's smiling at my great accomplishment. Ah yes. The winner in me arises.

I am a routine orientated person so I pretty much begin my day the same way every day. Make the coffee, drink the coffee, read the paper. You know. Easy living. The first morning that I got up and realized that I had added an exercise routine to my wonderful "alone" time was a big deal. Remember, it was me that wanted the Wii in the first place but did I really want to do something with it? Reluctantly, I turned on the system and that wonderful captivating music that is so Wii started to play and my competitive self took over.

I started with ski jumping. Have you tried that one? You are precariously balanced on the top of a skii slope waiting....waiting......waiting until just the right time and then "Whoosh" down you go. Squatting into the downhill slope until at the last second you straighten your knees and boost yourself to a standing leaning position for a smooth landing. Just like on the Winter Olympics right. Wrong, wrong wrong. It took me forever to learn how to lean just right and straightened up at just the exact precise moment so that I didn't end up at the bottom of the ramp in the biggest snowball I had ever seen. Try again. Cute little Wii Mii poised on the downhill bar.....wait for it, wait for it and GO!!! Squat, squat squat.......and.........explode upward and balance.....balance......and snowball at the bottom again. "At least your Wii Mii looks really cute in her ski outfit" my husband reminds me me from the couch. I will conquer this I vow.

Each day, my routine was the same. Make coffee, drink coffee, read paper and Wii. It wasn't so much like exercise because I really was enjoying it. Yet, at the same time, my competitive juices were flowing. I could, no I would get the hang of this thing. I am woman, hear me roar I thought the first time shii actually landed on her skis upright. The crowd cheers for you and you wave back with a smile on your Wii face. And then the score is forever logged in. Oh yeah!!!! High score. And the music plays. And the Wii time bank gets it's coins. Wii life is good. It is very good.


  1. I LOVE the way you have used "mii" and "shii" in your writing. You are having fun and it shows!


  2. I thought I posted a comment about this one when I read it last week. Another great Blog!
