Thursday, August 20, 2009

H2O Oh Oh

Water. A precious commodity. The pitter patter of raindrops on a metal rooftop. The slushing sound of a sprinkler in the late afternoon. The gentle whisper of the waves touching the shoreline. Yes indeed. There is nothing quite like water. That is unless you have to force yourself to drink it like I do. I know that when God created everything He looked around and said "This is good". But I have often asked myself, exactly who on His angelic staff bothered to actually taste this stuff before declaring it "good"? Didn't He have a tasting committee?

My Wii Mii prods me on a daily basis to remember the importance of drinking water while we Wii. Oh man. I hate the stuff. Why does it have to much like water????? My good friend Dawn drinks water likes she actually enjoys the stuff. Who is she trying to kid here? She brings a bottle of water everywhere she goes. So does my Mom. If we go on even the quickest of errands she will ask in most pleasant of "Mom" type voices "would you like a bottle of water to take with you Nansii?" I think to myself "Why....they don't have Dr. Pepper where we're going"? Dr. Pepper has to be good for you. It's my from a fruit right?

After a 30 minute workout, the bells and whistles go off within the Wii system and the time bank dances around for joy at your accomplishment. Mine is now gold. What color is yours? Anyway, as the confetti fades from view this little message appears about it being a good time to "take a break and drink some water". I almost throw myself down on the floor begging for mercy. Wasn't the workout enough I scream? Now I have to drink water too. Good night Agnes. Will the abuse never end? But........I saunter to the kitchen and pour myself a tall glass of water, hold my nose and choke it down.

As time as gone by, I have slowly comes to terms that my Wii Mii really wants the best for me. My friends (and you know who you are) have gently placed their arms about my shoulders and sang the praises of the virtues of water. Everything that it does for you. "Your skin will look younger". Ok....I like that. "It will help flush out your system". Oh, that candy bar will be gone? "It has absolutely, positively NO calories". Now that's what I'm talking about!!! Bring it on I say. Crack those ice cubes trays. Fill up that 16 ounce glass to the top. I have even learned a trick. If you squeeze a lemon in it and a package of Splenda you will think that you're having lemonade. Mind over matter baby.


  1. LOL Nansii! You funny woman! Great Blog! Oh Splenda in the is not good for you! LOL Hugs!

  2. Why is splenda not good?

  3. Nansii, you are the real deal, I love it! Wish I could get turned on to the Wii like you. Drink that water!

  4. Nansii, you absolutely keep amazing me! Not only are you efficient on your job, but you have an absolute gift for expressing yourself extremely well and in the perfect vernacular applicable to your story! Keep writing Nansii. In fact, maybe you should gather all your material together under a journal style with a title of Nansii's Natterings, or some such handle. We really need and would welcome another "Erma Bombeck" into our reading world! :) You go girl!

    Your H2O missive really struck home with me because I too think drinking plain water is an absolute chore and actually pictured myself "choking along" with you as you tried to down one of the daily 8 oz. requirements! Who is this genius that tells us soda does not count?

    All kidding aside, Nansii…you are talented as well as special. Keep typing out your stories and continue posting them. They’ll help make our day!

