Friday, April 23, 2010

What Goes Around Goes to Round

Let's face it. Dieting has been around well.... since Adam and Eve. I have even heard a rumor that the Devil told her that the apple was less fattening than the figs so that might have been why she so readily ate it. Mind you, had he mentioned the part about painful childbirth she might have reconsidered, but you know what they say about hindsight. Having given birth a few times myself, I would have opted for the calories and a longer walk around the garden.

Speaking of round though, why is it that "round" foods are not on most dieters lists? Come on now, follow me here OK? Let's start with a donut. The operative word being "A" donut. Personally, I have never been served a donut that I turned my nose up at and just ate it to be polite. Let's face it. Coffee and donuts have been a staple at most church fellowship events and even have found their way into the Network Marketing gigs. I have often times delivered a dozen of these delectables for the opportunity to meet a new business person and of course just had to sit and enjoy one with them. Haven't you? And why on earth do 2 donuts always taste better than just 1? Or how about the meet and greet cookie brigade? I am the first one signed up to go and bring cookies to a new person in the neighborhood. There is such a sweet reward when you do this. Take a few, eat a few is my motto.

Let's take just a moment and explore some of the 'roundies' that don't get a bad wrap. A head of broccoli or cauliflower for example. They are round when you buy them. But.......when you serve them, they are pulled apart and disguised as "florets". No more round, no more calories. Oranges. Peel 'em, break 'em apart and voila......they become wedges. No more round. Grapes are another example of the injustice. They are round AND they come in bunches but because you have to pull them off the stem to enjoy them, that act would be considered exercise calories. Do I detect a pattern here?

Over the years the good folks that bring you all the delicious round foods, have tried to be shape changers. A donut isn't really a round food if you have it in a bar form. Like a lemon filled or an eclair. These are rectangles. And what about the cheesy gooey pizza that no longer is round but is a deep dish square. This should be OK too right? I once witnessed the guy at the ice cream counter deliver to me a "cube" shaped ice cream cone, because after all round things don't have corners so you guessed it....calories should have disappeared don't you think?

Now, I have never claimed to be a Rocket Scientist or anything but hey, it seems to me that something could be done about this injustice. It is almost politically incorrect to be a round food anymore. Someone should take up the cause and fight for what is right. I am tired of the clandestine RFE Anonymous meetings aren't you? The burying of the round foods in the bottom of the grocery basket so that no one knows what you are buying. It is shameful really. Round foods have feelings too ya know!!! They must come together and fight for the right to be who they are. No longer should they stay hidden in pantries across the world. Tortillas, potato chips, donuts, cookies, bagels it is time to unite. Just not on my waistline OK?

1 comment:

  1. You speak for all of us! Never thought about it before, but you're right...all the "fun" stuff comes in round shapes. Who would have thought of that but our own inimitable Nansii. :) Claire
