Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bad Moon Rising

Oh yes. It has been another great weekend. Going from here to there. Seeing all of the wonderful sights that any great city has to offer. It is pretty much the same no matter what part of the country you travel to. People and places look about the same. Well, at least in the city that is. Go ahead. I dare you. Take a walk with your beloved on your arm and stroll down the streets of a metropolitan city. You'll see it. You will be standing minding your own business and someone will walk by. Or maybe sitting at a quaint little table outside a coffee house, enjoying a frappe and then you spot it. Colorful underwear riding high, and pants riding low.

What is the fascination of walking around with your britches hangin' out? Do you not know that your mother spent a lot of money on belts for this very reason???? This is not something that girls do mind you. Oh no. This is reserved for the guys. The pants or shorts that they have on hang down to the middle of their knees, and the brightly colored elastic of the underwear sticks out by about 4 inches. I gotta ask.....why???? Is this like some kind of a rite of passage for young men? Showin' your chonies to the world? Is there like some big testosterone rush you get from people staring at you? I admit it. I just don't get it at all.

And then there is the walking. Or the attempting to walk, I should say. Stumbling around trying to look so cool as they try to keep their balance so they won't fall over. And at the same time, they appear to be trying to hold their pants with their free hand. That is what they are trying to do isn't it??? It is just not natural to try to walk like that. It produces almost a limp for heavens' sake. Mark my words, young man, you are going to need a chiropractor one of these days!!! Save yourself while you are still young !!!

Of late, I have seen billboards requesting that you no longer share this fad with the rest of us. There have even been mayoral campaigns that have merged on this very issue. Proclamations of change. Songs sung on television promoting pulling up those pants !!! Oh I know. We should allow you to do your own thing, much like we did in our hay days. But come on now. Show us older more genteel folk some much deserved mercy and grace here. The top of your tiddy whities is not something that I have personally lived this long to see. And yes, I indeed have lived a good long time. And I do know fashion. Well at least I have a fashionista in the family who herself swears that this practice is just well, "not nice".

At least the young fashion minded girls don't do this. Oh no. They are much to respectable to go walking around town with their under garments hanging over the top of their pants. No way. They prefer the more subtle look. You know, like they don't even have any on !!! No unseemly pantie lines for them. They have chosen to wear a piece of elastic for their underwear. Yep. You heard me right. A thin piece of elastic. When they walk by, you don't even notice it. But, here is the catch. It shows, and brother how it shows, when they happen to have to bend over right in front of you to reach for something that they probably didn't need or want in the first place. The shirt rises up......the top of the pants s t r e t c h down and voila, elastic so thin that it has to leave chaffing. This has got to be painful.

I have never really been inclined to wear things of this sort, even in my younger thinner days. Oh they have been around for many years, but they have never intrigued me. Why would a young woman purposely put something on that is going to give 'em a rash?? In my day, we were stepping out of the box when we got bikini underwear. Now there's daring !!! Or, and I probably shouldn't admit this......but I really was quite the rebel and trend setter. Oh yeah !!! Remember those cute little undies that had the days of the week embroidered on them??? Well.....I would wear the red Saturday ones on other days. Like Sunday !!! When we went to church. Yep. I was bold. Yep. I was livin' on the edge. And all the while, it was my little secret. I didn't share my little fashion secret with the whole world. Maybe you all shouldn't either. Some things are better kept under wraps.

1 comment:

  1. I sooooo agree!!! LOL I a am a nurse and still I really don't want to see it!! I know what a booty looks like but that does not mean I should see them walking down the street. I have considered giving each one a shot and saying "it was bared so I figured it was for a reason!"
