Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Little Dab Will Do Ya

There are many beauty products on the market today. We have scientifically come up with a way to solve every known personal hygiene problem known to man. Or animal for that matter. If it smells bad we have a myriad of products just waiting on our store shelves to make those around us let go of their noses. Shampoos, deodorants, toiletries galore. Waiting, just waiting for the right consumer to pluck them off of the shelf and take them home. From the frugal to the more money than they know what to do with crowd, we have it all. Neatly packaged. Conveniently located at a store near you. Progress baby. That's what I call progress.

Now, I really don't want to show my age here, but I swear to you, I remember a time in the not so distant past, when you would apply hair products so you would loose that fly away look. Or the "my gosh, it must be humid outside" frizz. And we had the perfect fix for that youngin' that had a titch of a cowlick. You know the one. When spit wouldn't hold it down, you pulled out the big guns. Hair gel number 8!!

We seem to have evolved into a new socially acceptable era. I must have slept in the day it was announced, but who's idea was it that it is now an acceptable practice to have your hair mussed purposely and that be considered quite the fashion statement. Oh yes, I have contacted the Fashionista on this and she immediately went into the vapors and had to have the smelling salts brought to her. She has never seen anything like this "in her born days". Why it is just shameful I tell you. Have you people ever SEEN my hair in the morning??? My goodness it looks as though I have stuck my finger into a light socket. A really big light socket at that. I have spent countless hours in front of the bathroom mirror trying to get it under control and now it's been decided that the bed head look is in? Are you people crazy???

I have decided that I shall rebel. That's right I said rebel. I am going to march to a different drummer that the rest of the world. I am not, I repeat NOT, going to give in to my peers. I shall continue to take my time each and every morning armed with all of those wonderful products that my fellow man has spent so much time developing for me. I will rub it in, spray it on, comb it through, pat it down, mousse it out, until I have reached the level of "coiffedness" that you all have come to know and love. If you see me in a crowd, I will be the one with the standing tall and proud with hair that neither moves in the wind or is affected by a sudden downpour. Yep that right!! You got it. I am a rebel. Not one single hair out of place. Poised and ready to face the day and it's challenges. And off to work to earn more money for them dad-gum products. Progress baby, progress.

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