Saturday, October 3, 2009

C for Mii

Coughs and colds. Sniffles and sneezes. It happens every year at this time in towns across the world. Seasonal allergies and simple colds. Feed a cold starve a fever. Extra doses of vitamin C. Sometimes I feel like I should buy stock in Kleenex. Why has there never been a true remedy for these simple germs?

While it is true that most of us cowboy up and suffer through these seemingly endless days of hacking and coughing, there are those who actual heed the advise of mothers long ago who declared "stay home and stay in bed"! Why do we attempt to tough it out and go about our days in misery. Usually, I must point out, sharing not only the misery, but the ill-laden germs with others. Do we secretly wish those around us to feel as crummy as we do? And for heavens sake. Why does everyone in the office stop by MY desk with a drippy nose to get a tissue. What????? I am the only one in the entire office that buys these handy sneeze catchers?

Think about it. If everyone would stay home when they were sick, then the rest of us could muddle through and just get the job done. But NO. In you come to work, dragging your woebegone chin on the floor looking to tell anyone that will listen how crummy you feel. The whole time that you are talking, you are spewing vile germs into my workspace. Doncha care about me at all?

I have decided that you won't win. No, no, no. I am going to fight back. Germs and flu bugs be gone. What better way to feel good than to take some extra vitamin C and exercise more. My Wii Mii agrees. We can fight this and win Shii said. It just takes a little common sense and that, Shii has plenty of. Actually, I think it has helped. I haven't coughed or sneezed this whole season. And Shii no longer says the dreaded word "obese" to my Mii anymore. How great is that. Every time I see her she has a smile on her face and a healthy glow to her skin.

I am not afraid to go out in public. Those bad germs won't get ahold of Mii. I am lookin' good and feelin' good. Yes sir. We are on the move. A thinner, more healthy Mii now occupies that office space. As a matter of fact, Wii may even go to the State Fair this year. I've got nothing to fear being in a crowd. Besides, I hear that the new food offerings go hand in hand with the season. We deep fry everything. This year it's butter. Who new that was even possible. Well, never fear. If you are leery abut being out where there are lots of sick folks breathing their germs all over you, you don't have to fear the State Fair.

This year's newest addition is Deep Fried Hand Sanitizer

Who knew?????